lunes, 11 de marzo de 2013

Rock it! ♫

We are doing a new project similar to the Trip to Scotland, but this time...we are planning to do a Hard Rock Cafe!
Yes, it's true!

We have to look for a free local that meet our needs, I mean: the size, the location, the price, the estimated benefits...

Also, we have to do the menu, but including our mores and typicall food; personalized!

It is done by groups of three people, but in my case, we are four because there were not enough people in the classroom.

Our HRC is called "New City", and we have planned the location, the menu, the price...almost all!
This week, some directors board are going to visit us to see what we have done, and if our project could be profitable.

News soon! 

Martin L.K.~

Officially, it is the 15th of January, but it's celebrated the 3rd Monday of January.

Martin Luther King was a black man who claimed his right to be equally respect without looking at skin color or race. 
He began famous for his speeches and his new way of thought, and this incited a revolution to change old laws (such as separate bathrooms, places on the bus...).

We dedicated a day to this important man, and to celebrate it, we did a presenntation talking about him, his difficulties and what did he achieve.

Long time ago...

Yes, I know  I've not been here since January, but it is because we have moved to another platform called "Edmodo". 
This new platform has the possibility of add badges to the people that have been working hard (I just have one jeje) and it's similar to other social platforms, such as Tuenti or Facebook.

It doesn't mean we are going to leave the blog, but now we are going to write just a small reference of what we are doing.

Sorry for delay :)